Habitat3D is an open source cross-platform tool to generate photorealistic meshes from point clouds of natural outdoor scenes. All necessary processing steps (filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, meshing, etc.) as well as recipe-based generation of pipelines are incorporated in a GUI-based framework. Habitat3D is written in C++ and requires Qt, PCL, VTK and BOOST.

Download: Habitat3D code


  1. SEVILLE DATASET (Seville_high_resolution.zip)
    Reconstruction of a natural foraging environment of desert ants (Cataglyphis velox) based on 56 laser scans and covering an 1018sqm area. This highly cluttered terrain features hundreds of individual plants and the reconstruction was tuned towards overall accuracy: Both, the ground and vegetation reconstruction feature millimetre accuracy while reducing the memory load to 1.5%. The reconstruction is divided into vegetation (inner_vegetation.ply and outer_vegetation.ply) and ground (inner_ground.ply and outer_ground.ply).
  2. CANBERRA DATASET (Canberra_compressed_ground.zip)
    Reconstruction of an ant habitat (Myrmecia croslandi) based on 9 clouds captured in Canberra, Australia. The 8800sqm area features several complex Eucalyptus trees. This reconstruction was tuned to demonstrate compressibility features of Habitat3D: While strongly compressing the ground (>99% size reduction; file: ground.ply) all characteristics of the complex trees are preserved (file: vegetation.ply).
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